Fylde Lodge of M.M.M. Installation
On Thursday 23rd. November 2017 forty-seven Mark Masons attended the Installation Meeting of The Fylde Lodge of Mark Master Masons at the Blackpool Masonic Hall Adelaide Street. the Principle guest was Right Worshipful Brother Keith Alan Beardmore Provincial Grand Master, although R.W.Bro. Beardmore is a Member of Fylde Lodge, accompanying him was his Assistant Provincial Grand Master Worshipful Brother Giles Frederick Berkley Past Grand Steward. amongst the other guests were Very Worshipful Brethren, Grand and Provincial Grand Officers, and other Master's in Office of the group of Mark Lodges on the Fylde Coast.
Members of Fylde Lodge of M.M.M.
The meeting was called to order and opened by the Worshipful Master Roy Ernest Rhodes at 6.00 o'clock PM. The Worshipful Master then welcomed The Provincial Grand Master. The Provincial Grand Master was saluted, to which he suitably responded. The other Distinguished guests were also saluted. The Worshipful Master completed the domestic business items on the agenda.
Galaxy of Grand Officers
The next Item was to Install the Master Elect, Senior Warden of the Lodge, Brother Brian Kerriston Ogden. After the Installing Offices were in place the Master Elect was presented by The Lodge Director of Ceremonies Worshipful Brother William Atcheson Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer. The Brethren who were not yet Installed Masters retired. The Master Elect was then Installed into the Master's Chair by the Installing Master in an exemplary manner, with much dignity and sincerity. Those brethren who had previously retired returned to the lodge room and greeted their new Worshipful Master. The Worshipful Master them appointed and Invested his officers for the ensuing year. The Worshipful Master was addressed by Worshipful Brother Ray Lamb Past Grand Senior Overseer in a delightful manner, as were the addresses to the Wardens and Overseers by Worshipful Brothers Bob McGown Past Grand Senior Deacon and Ernie Gavan Past Grand Standard Bearer / Provincial Grand Tyler respectively. The address to the Brethren was given by The Provincial Grand Master in a manner we have come to expect from our leader.
The Installation being over the Worshipful Master continued with the remainder of the agenda and the next item was to present the charity giving's which amounted to a magnificent some of nineteen hundred and eighty-five pounds, yes, nineteen hundred. The Provincial Grand Master congratulated the lodge on all their good work achieving such a sum, particularly the Charity Steward Worshipful Brother Peter Green.
The Labours having ended, and the accolades given the Worshipful Master closed the Lodge. The Worshipful master accompanied by The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master and Assistant Provincial Grand Master and other Distinguished guests retired in processional order. After the now ubiquitous photo-shoot we repaired to the bar for a refreshing pre-dinner drink.
Dinner was a delightful three course meal in the Eric Sharples Suite. The food was good the wine flowed and the company excellent. After the meal we settled down for the toast's. The Toast to the Grand Officers was proposed by the Senior Warden Brother Peter Lonicon and the response was given by W. Bro Giles Berkley who finished the response by proposing the toast to The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master adding it was particularly pleasing as he was attending.  In the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master's response, he congratulated the Worshipful Master on being Installed into the chair of this fine Mark Lodge, the Installing Master for his work and congratulated the brother who presented the working tools, along with the brethren who gave the addresses. He then outlined the work done by the Mark Charities and the various ongoing projects. he wished the Lodge every success in the future.
Masters of Bispham with Norbreck, Fylde & Wyre
The Toast to the Master was proposed by the Immediate Past Master who wished him well in his year in office. The Master's song was sung by Brother J Darrell and was accompanied on the piano by Brother G. Thornburrow in an exquisite manner. The worshipful Master suitably responded. After the final toast of the evening the worshipful Master presented Worshipful Brother Beardmore with a bouquet of flowers for Mrs Beardmore, W.Bro. Beardmore thanked the Worshipful Master for his kindness. The Worshipful Master, Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master retired from the festive board to warm applause.
Words and pictures by Ernie Gavan